When you make the switch to a period cup, you will get a menstrual cup case along with it. This case will protect your cup and keep it safe when you aren’t using it. The period cup is a safe and effective way to manage your period, and the case is a yellow silicone carrying pod. When you finish your cycle, you should clean the period cup before you store it until the next month.
How to Store Your Menstrual Cup
People often want to understand reusable menstrual cup use before they get started. When you purchase the period cup, it comes with a carrying pod and a guide for use. You can keep the cup in your menstrual cup case until you are ready to use it. Then, boil the reusable cup for five minutes to clean it before you use it. Rinse it before you insert it, insert it, and go about your day. You can leave it in for up to 12 hours, and when you remove it, you can rinse it before inserting it again. Once your cycle is complete, you can thoroughly rinse the period cup before placing it back in the menstrual case.
Where to Store It
When you buy a reusable menstrual cup and a menstrual cup case, you can store them in a cool, dark place when you aren’t using them. These products are designed to last up to 10 years, but many people replace them after two. They are made of silicone, so they are easy to store in a drawer or cabinet in your bathroom.