Today, several advanced treatments can yield clear, smooth, younger-looking skin, but not every aesthetics center offers these revolutionary procedures or has highly skilled professionals to perform these treatments. Microneedling in Charlotte, NC has become a favorite for people of all ages because of its multiple, rejuvenating benefits and natural healing approach to excellent skincare therapy.
Pinpricks to More Beautiful Skin
Microneedling has been around since the mid-’90s, but technology today has refined the skincare treatment for amazing results. The procedure sounds frightening because multiple puncture wounds are administered to the face, but the needles are very thin and only produce pinpricks or micro-traumas. It’s a gentle therapy via the unique SkinPen device that causes the skin to naturally heal and produce fresh collagen and elastin for a smoother, more evenly toned complexion.
Studies have shown encouraging news about microneedling treatments. Four sessions placed a month apart resulted in up to a 400% increase in collagen and elastin six months after completing treatment. After a single session, you will see a difference in your skin tone and how it glows!
Microneedling in Charlotte, NC also pairs well with other aesthetic procedures, including radiofrequency therapy. Following a few months of treatment, you can see tissue tightening occur. Also, microneedling allows your favorite anti-aging serums to penetrate and be absorbed more efficiently.
Simple Treatment, Multiple Benefits
When you choose microneedling in Charlotte, NC, you can address several skincare issues at once. The treatment is mechanically disrupting the epidermis, and this creates exfoliation. Dead skin cells are removed from the uppermost layer of skin for an instantly smoother appearance. Also, any small pockmarks or scarring can be improved by SkinPen’s technology as it refines the surface and delivers a softer texture.
Microneedling sessions can also remove blackheads and clear up acne or breakouts by reducing sebum. The treatment can also improve hyperpigmentation, soften fine lines and wrinkles and leave your complexion looking brighter and more youthful.
Are You Ready for Your Close-Up?
Then check out the incredible beauty experts at The Center for Women’s Aesthetics.