Reach Your Potential Customers Affordably with Connected TV Advertising

by | Feb 29, 2024 | Advertising & Marketing

Many people are ditching cable TV for streaming options, which makes connected TV advertising one of the best ways for small businesses to connect with the public. Not only are you inviting yourself into these people’s homes but you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits it brings.

A Massive Reach

Connected TV devices can be found in close to 80% of the homes. This number continues to grow. It’s estimated that the average person watches eight hours of streamed content each day. This makes it the perfect place to reach a massive amount of people.

Precise Targeting

Connect TV advertising allows you to expand your presence to the right people. Instead of using mass marketing messages and hoping you reach those individuals, you can connect directly to a targeted audience. You’ll be able to reach out to those that fit your criteria and draw them in.

Cost-Effective Advertising

Traditional TV advertising is too expensive for many small businesses to use. Connected TV changes that. As a small business, you can choose the advertising plan that fits your budget. For example, some choose to pay a set amount for each completed view. Others may be able to pay a specific amount per so many impressions. Best of all, you’re not limited to one channel or network.

Spend your advertising dollars wisely by taking advantage of connected TV advertising. You’ll be investing in future customers in a very direct way. Visit Awarity at to get started. for more updates connect us on Facebook

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